True Story: Your failure has the secret of your success

Either failure breaks you or makes you. The choice is yours what you pick. It is the extraordinary determination of Ankita, an ordinary girl, who has made her the owner of thejoblessblogger. The best part is that the ups and downs in her job help her to find the name of her blog.  So she is thankful to all the failures which she has to endure. After all, it helps in the naming ceremony of her blog! 

Let’s hear what she has to stay.

Linda Goodman was right when she said Libra women have a penchant for weighing everything twice to make sure they don’t miss a point. When all my classmates wanted to become doctors and engineers, I was dreaming to be in the world of radio. I weighed my options well and thought of taking the route was dreaming since a child. I did live that dream to an extent. It was during my internship (after internet radio job), that I started liking to write. Giving words to my thoughts soon became a therapy for me. I was enjoying writing like a little kid enjoying a sugar candy.

I took up the first writing job that came my way and to be honest, I wasn’t doing that great. I was unaware of the nuances and often ended up committing blunders. Yes, I will use the word blunders. However, giving up was not an option as my skillset was limited to writing and speaking. I had to make this writing job work for me to pay my bills and live my dreams.

Fast forward one year, the same organization awarded me for my grit, determination and work. Trust me, it was the happiest day of my life and the first award that honored my performance. Next few years were superbly amazing until life got stuck in a loop.

Every organization I was joining was shutting down within a year – it happened thrice. This is when I thought of becoming my own boss. I planned to open my own website wherein I would write for myself and slowly monetize it.

Well, I got lazy with time. That thought of becoming my own boss somewhere got lost in the agency setup of my new organization. I was working day in day out. Off course, I was enjoying my work and I still am. But that vibe and passion somewhere got buried under the hectic work schedule. Then one fine day my partner literally took my case and later financed the initial expenses of opening a website.

It was that day and today, The Jobless Blogger has become my favourite after work and weekends therapy. The name of the blog highlights that phase of life when I was stuck in a loop of losing my job every year. Though it’s only been a few months, my vision is to make it big by leveraging the digital wave we are currently riding.

The Jobless Blogger is my retirement plan that will act as insurance to keep my finances in check. I hope it takes the exact path that I have planned, goes miles and reaches the heights of success.


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